Friday 24 August 2018

My Favourites

this is allllllll my favorite things my favorite singer dog breed drink villain book and game the part i found tricky was thinking of what to write  my favorite part was writing :p

Thursday 23 August 2018

Maths problem solving

this a little test thing i was relived that i got the question right i struggled finding the og  question out but after that i found it quite easyi was a bit stressed doing it but got it right ;)

Tuesday 7 August 2018

One tenth

this is my one tenth learning were we had to write all the different ways to make one tenth i struggled  on the number line but once it was explained to my it was easy next time i want to do it in different ways if there is any .the fun part was the fish because i split the fish and colored two fish .

Tuesday 19 June 2018

this is winter cloze were you have to fill in the blanks .my favorite part of this cloze activity was the second paragraph because it was the most challenging . winter cloze is a challenging activity hat we do in reading priority's  .    

Wednesday 13 June 2018

this is a missing person  flier ,based on the witches . The thing that found challenging was drawing myself . this is number two on our reading priority's  .

Friday 8 June 2018

 this a  me named boggle you have to find words that are linked . that we did for reading priority's . the thing i found challenging was finding the words that did'int have .

this is reading with the teacher we were learning to scan bye searching newspaper so we started  looking for articles a few of the articles were bad news, good news , and involving a fury friend .

This a reading cloze clothes were we had to fill in the blanks and make the peace of writing make sense . My favorite part was thinking if it actually  made sense . The hard part was finding out witch word it was because there was so many to chose from .

this a anzac day activity sheet . i learnt a lot of auzzy foods .the hard part was drawing the war memorial 
. My personal favorite was drawing the selfie witch you can see in the bottom left corner .

these are things that i wounder  this really put my mind to the test and made me wounder .The thing that i found the hardest was 
 i found the hardest was thinking of the thing that i wanted to write or the thing  i wounded . The thing that i found the best was drawing the border .

This is all about me we had to find out a lot  about your self and fill up the I .The thing that i found the hardest was thinking of the words that i am . my favorite thing was drawing the i it took a wile but it was worth it .

this is a  peace of writing that is on my writing board. saying how unique i am . first i rote a draft  rote a draft then i was on to proof reading and the Editing and when i finished i started  publishing on paper then i was finished yeah! 

This is a math peace of math I've made using times and Addison it was asking me to think outside the box .the hard part was the ext and the easy part was the normal equenshon  


this is a solo peace of math using Addison and times tables .the hard part was the ext and easy part was the normal question durr :p 

we are learning different styles of math and learning at the same time .

Thursday 7 June 2018

this the term 2 snapshot  on math.we had answer three different questions 

this is my name in black red ,orange and yellow it a wile but  i did it

Friday 1 June 2018

these are my goals that i will try to  do over the year .

first you draw the face then go over the with vivid then do the name the color it with pastilles and do the back round  lips and then paint the face.

we had to do a lot of thinking with this work of art but in the end it turned out perfect .

We used an app called word photo and typed in ten words about me .

we had a lot of fun finding out about our names i learned that my name is scottish .and who would of of thought that you could spell my name in so many different ways .

Saturday 26 May 2018

these are  thing i want to learn from this i learnt  to draw a little better .the thing that loved was doing all the drawing . The thing that i found hardest was thinking of all the thing that I really wanted to do because if i  did all of it there would not be enough room .

Friday 25 May 2018

This is spider web with things i can not stand. the thing that i enjoyed were getting to design the web and spider. and i found it challenging drawing the web